Ebook Metodologi Penelitian


Salah satu kewajiban tridharma PT untuk dosen adalah melaksanakan penelitian yang membutuhkan untuk referensi metode penelitian. Referensi ini berlaku pula untuk skripsi, tesis dan disertasi. Berikut adalah E-book siap download yang dapat memberikan sumber referensi bagi metode penelitian Anda.

(1) 2003-Assesing Research Doctorate Programs-A Methodology Study-(6 MB) 
(2) 2003-Using Research Instruments-(3MB)
(3) 2004-How To Write Great Research Paper-(3MB)
(4) 2004-QuestionaireDesign-How to Plan, Structure&Write (3MB)
(5) 2004-ResearchMethodology-Kothari (2MB)
(6) 2005-How to Get Phd  (790 KB)
(7) 2005-Essentials of Research Design and Methodology (3MB)
(8) 2006-Fundamental of Research (1MB)
(9) 2006-Statistical Matching Theory and Practice (2MB)
(10) 2007-Design and Contruction Instrumen for Social Research (3MB)
(11) 2007-Research Metodology in Medical and Biological Science (2MB)
(12) 2008-Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method (1MB)
(13) 2008-Writing a Successful Dissertation (3MB)
(14) 2009-International Handbook Research Teachers Teaching (11MB)
(15) 2009- Research Methods and Statistics-A Critical Thinking approach (4MB) 

(16) 2010-Methods in Educational Research-From Theory to Practice (4MB)
(17) 2010-The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics (4MB)
(18) 2011-Mapping your Thesis-The Comprehensive Manual of Theory and Thechnique (2MB)
(19) 2011-Methodology Who Need It (4MB)
(20) 2011-Research and Research Problems (2MB)
(21) 2011-Research Method A Modular Aproach(5MB) 
(22) 2012 Social Research Methods (16MB)
(23) 2012-Stylish Academic Writing (927KB)
(24) 2012-Writing Science-How to write Papers (2MB)
(25) 2012- Creating Research and Scientific Document using Microsoft Word (15MB)
(26) 2013-How to write Reports and Proposals (2MB)
(27) 2013 Research Methodology (3MB)
(28) 2013-Social Theory and Educatio Research (1MB)
(29) 2013-Understanding and Applying Research Design (32MB)
(30) 2014-How to Think about Analysis  (1MB)
(31) 2014-Selecting the Right Analyses for your Data Quantitative, Qualytative and Mixed Method (3MB)
(32) 2014-Thinking with DataHow to Turn Information into Insights (6MB)
(33) 2014-Writing Dissertation and Grant Proposal (3MB)
(34) 2015-Responsible Conduct of Research (2MB)

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Sumber : https://segera-wisuda.blogspot.co.id/2016/05/download-ebook-metodologi-penelitian.html
